Creation Guidelines

  • You can now create and sell your own pop-up stickers and effect stickers on Creators Market.
    We look forward to seeing what pop-up stickers and effect stickers our creators will make.
    - Animations for pop-up stickers play across the whole chat screen.
    - Animations for effect stickers play in the chat screen background.



Quantity Size
Main Image 1 240 x 240
Sticker Images Either 8, 16,
or 24
Up to 370 x 320
Chat Thumbnail Icon 1 96 x 74
  • · Select your number of stickers from the Manage Stickers page. You can change this number freely before submission.
  • · All sizes are in pixels.
  • · All images must be submitted in PNG format.
  • · Sticker images will be resized automatically. Please ensure the image has an even-numbered height and width.
  • · Use a resolution of at least 72 dpi and RGB color mode.
  • · The maximum file size for each image is 1 MB.
  • · If submitting all images in a single ZIP file, make sure the ZIP file is 20 MB or less.
  • · Image backgrounds must be transparent.
  • · We recommend using the latest version of Chrome or Firefox when creating message stickers.
  • · Refer to the following text samples and list of fonts when creating your stickers.
  • · Please see the Creation Guidelines for instructions on creating message stickers.

Sample Images

Main Image

Creator, Sticker Title, and Sticker Description

Chat Thumbnail Icon

Sticker Images

Sticker Margins

There's no need to include a margin around your uploaded images. Appropriate margins will be added automatically to your sticker images.




Recommended Stickers

  • · Stickers that are easy to use in daily conversation and communication.
  • · Stickers that consist of easily understandable expressions, messages, and illustrations.

Non-Recommended Stickers

  • · Stickers that are difficult to use in daily conversation, such as objects and scenery.
  • · Stickers that have poor visibility, such as pictures that are too long or full-length illustrations of tall characters.
  • · Sets that significantly lack variety, such as stickers made up purely of pale colors or strings of numbers.
  • · Content that offends public order and morality, is suggestive of under-age drinking or smoking, contain sexual or violent imagery, or may fuel nationalism.

Other Notes

  • · Stickers for sale may not be used for advertising purposes. Please do not include any form of advertisement in the sticker images, titles, and text descriptions, such as the announcements of product release dates, or submit stickers featuring only corporate logos.
  • · Stickers that require users to provide their personal data or IDs for purchase are strictly prohibited.
    Content that mentions any internet service, messenger app, or similar services, or consists of any characters related to such services may not be sold in the Creators Market.
  • · For more details, please see the sticker review guidelines.