Creating animated emoji

Here is a detailed breakdown on how to create animated emoji.


How margins affect emoji

Emoji will appear differently depending on the size of the margins.

Pay attention to how margins affect emoji size so visibility isn't hampered.

  • When sent in chat messages
  • When sent as stickers

Tips for the first frame

Animated emoji must be able to convey feelings or ideas not just through their animations, but through their still images as well.

Please ensure that the first frame of each of your emoji, used as the emoji's still image, suitably describes the feeling you want each emoji to express.

For example, in an animated story where a character's expression changes to gratitude by the last frame, please use the last frame as your first frame to express the character's emotion accurately.

For animated letter emoji, please place an illustration where the letter is clear in the first frame. Letter emojis should be easy to read when displayed as still images.

Frame and Loop Limits per Sticker

  • · The maximum playback time for an individual sticker is 4 seconds. Playback time options are limited to 1, 2, 3, or 4 seconds. Non-whole number playback times, such as 1.5 seconds, are not permitted.
  • · PNG frame limits per APNG: Between 5 and 20 frames.
    * When creating APNG files with a creation tool such as APNG Assembler, repeated identical images may become combined as a single frame.
    * Files that use the same data for all frames will fail to function properly as animated emoji and will result in an upload error.
  • · The total playback time for an APNG cannot exceed 4 seconds.

1 second (20 frames) x 4 loops = 4 seconds 1 second = 20 frames

4 seconds (20 frames) x 1 loop = 4 seconds 4 seconds = 20 frames

1 second (50 frames) x 1 loop = 1 second (Exceeds maximum frames allowed) 1 second = 50 frames

3 seconds (20 frames) x 2 loops = 6 seconds (exceeds 4 second playback time limit) 3 seconds = 20 frames